In pursuance of the new General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR"), the user consents to the collection, use, disclosure and incorporation of any personal data submitted in this enquiry form onto a data file property of IBIDEM GROUP Ltd., a company registered under the law of Spain with VAT no. ESB63391445. The user hereby expressly authorizes IBIDEM GROUP to use its personal data solely for the purpose of providing information regarding the requested services.

All users are entitled to access, modify, cancel or delete any of the provided data, by sending a written notification to IBIDEM GROUP, Trafalgar 50, 08010 Barcelona, Spain, or an e-mail to with the subject "Data Protection Rights".

In order to remove all your contact details from our data files and make sure you don't receive any further communications from our company, please send a message to with the word "remove" as the subject of your e-mail.